Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MMMM turkey day

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone for another year. Tasty food, both the traditional but often forgotten lasagna as well as the other traditional turkey, and an overall nice weekend. Got Kye's 'broken' room all cleared out of clutter anyways, and it was good timing too as it is raining and still leaking...no band-aid is gonna hold this one, its gonna need real repairs much to everyone's displeasure. I've had some good inspiration for paintings lately so I am gonna get at those quick too. Today is my homework morning, Kye and the ladies have school and Melinda has taken beanie with her to go grocery shopping. I am torn on which direction to go though, I have some typing to do and some painting to do...maybe I'll do both, a little of each! Anyways here is the new poem, as always comments are greatly appreciated!!


thoughts half finished

ideas half formed

scribbled down

at a moments notice

some make sense

some are barely


the pen is my


searching the shores

of my brain

for the fragments of poems,

her Osiris

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

well almost another one in a week!

Well I didn't quite get this one in under the week wire but its still progress! I have been busy - as always - and have my first math test on Thursday. Not really looking forward to that but hopefully some more studying will help those nerves. On the geek side I got the Iron Man dvd and watched that, it was definatly as good as it was in the theater - now to just wait out the chance to get the minimates from it - very excited about those!! Anyways todays poem goes along the lines of the upcoming exam. Enjoy!

What You Don’t Know


the clock ticks

the time has come

blank sheets of paper

sit before you

The sheaf of


is passed out

and the pen

is hoisted

in shaky hand

As the pen flies






you begin to realize

this test

expresses more

of what you don’t know