Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MMMM turkey day

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone for another year. Tasty food, both the traditional but often forgotten lasagna as well as the other traditional turkey, and an overall nice weekend. Got Kye's 'broken' room all cleared out of clutter anyways, and it was good timing too as it is raining and still leaking...no band-aid is gonna hold this one, its gonna need real repairs much to everyone's displeasure. I've had some good inspiration for paintings lately so I am gonna get at those quick too. Today is my homework morning, Kye and the ladies have school and Melinda has taken beanie with her to go grocery shopping. I am torn on which direction to go though, I have some typing to do and some painting to do...maybe I'll do both, a little of each! Anyways here is the new poem, as always comments are greatly appreciated!!


thoughts half finished

ideas half formed

scribbled down

at a moments notice

some make sense

some are barely


the pen is my


searching the shores

of my brain

for the fragments of poems,

her Osiris

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

well almost another one in a week!

Well I didn't quite get this one in under the week wire but its still progress! I have been busy - as always - and have my first math test on Thursday. Not really looking forward to that but hopefully some more studying will help those nerves. On the geek side I got the Iron Man dvd and watched that, it was definatly as good as it was in the theater - now to just wait out the chance to get the minimates from it - very excited about those!! Anyways todays poem goes along the lines of the upcoming exam. Enjoy!

What You Don’t Know


the clock ticks

the time has come

blank sheets of paper

sit before you

The sheaf of


is passed out

and the pen

is hoisted

in shaky hand

As the pen flies






you begin to realize

this test

expresses more

of what you don’t know

Monday, September 29, 2008

2 in under a week!

Hah! I sneak in under the wire of a week between posts....that actually makes me quite happy - it is a positive step to making this a regular habit!

Schools going great, just need to make more time for homework...feeling very painting and writing inspired so gotta nurture that one. We did some shuffling in our house this week, mostly temporary things but it feels kinda nice to do it too.

Well not much to say as I am eager to get onto the meat of the subject, a poem I wrote tonight so its making the rounds here first! DAMMIT - I just previewed this and it will not keep the format i typed it out in, that is frustrating!!

the saliva
dangling from the edge
of its teeth
long and razor
a mouth full of them
with no other job
then ripping flesh
to shreds
its yellow eyes
gleaming in the
the breeze shifts
and the fur
on the back of its neck
and it tilts its
head upwards
sniffing the air
muscles tense
and it runs off
after the scent of food
to satisfy the bloodlust
that consumes it
once a month
releasing the beast
with in the man.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its been a long time...

wow I really have to get my butt in gear on here if I want to keep this going! I have reorganized my poems so that should help. I have a ever going stack of them so updating should be more regular I just need to not be lazy about it! Lets see where to start. Summer flew by, the Kids camp rocked!! I miss it so much, which is a good thing. I am back at school, Kye is in kindergarten 2 days a week and the ladies are in pre-K Mon-Thurs mornings. It has been an adjustment but everything is going well. Miss a is getting some more teeth and her eye infection is kinda getting better but has also spread to her other eye...she is on the list to see a specialist about it, I wont try to spell the right name for it lol. The San Diego comic con came and had a flurry of cool minimate news, and more good stuff since then. My package with the exclusives and giveaways is on its way to me - very pumped to see those ones up close! Man I have slacked on this so much I dont know where and what to say for life updates. I guess I'll just leave things at that and head right to the meat of my post with todays poem!


The hum of the motor
buzzing fills the air
revolutions so fast that it’s barely noticeable
yet the sound is unavoidable

This leads into the sensation
across the skin
as a line is drawn

The needle dances
as the motor buzzes
and pigment floods the skin
as a masterpiece is created
of flesh and ink

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

busy week, it seems

So some how a week has slipped by without me blogging...not getting onto a regular update state yet but I will get there. It has been busy, started the planning stages of the kids camp last week and will be back in there tomorrow for more. I have been playing phone tag and emailing people about stuff even though I am not working in camp the last couple days. So far things are shaping up nicely and more ideas keep flowing along so I think my earlier worries were nothing really to worry about....heres hoping anyways lol! On the geek side...got some new minimates in the post and they rock!! as well as the newest wave of marvel announced sounds sweet! only about a month till San Diego comic con to see the prototypes as well as the con exclusives...cant wait!! more minimate geekness - my custom Starman is done and on its way....should arrive around the same time as the hardcover Starman omnibus...will be sweet to re-read that series again! On top of all of this and more I am sure I am forgeting, the urge to write is returning, which is got me really pumped to put some new verse on the page! so heres todays poem...enjoy!!

The criminal Jack Knox

I got the news today

Jack Knox is getting the chair

sentenced to death for his crimes

my mind



like it does every time I hear about Jacks criminal goings on

I am taken back to that day

in kindergarten

when little Jackie Knox was sent

to the principals office

for something silly

like being noisy in the library

but instead he stole a tricycle

and ran away

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

big wheel keeps on turnin...

well we sure have had a busy weekend, Melinda and I(along with Miss Ainsley) went out on Friday night for my aunt and uncles 25th anniversary, then a jam packed day in Saskatoon on Saturday. We took the kids to the children's festival, which was great! Then we had a stop over at a birthday party, which was also fun. Then was our downtime/suppertime which entailed a trip to Wal-mart, Melinda and the girls went to Cravings while Kye and I went to my buddy, Cody's house and picked up a pile of toys he had gotten me for my birthday. After all that it was time to eat some supper and get changed for Crystal and Ryan's reception. All in all it was a fun day....really long, but fun. It was great to see some of my cousins that I haven't seen in awhile. It rained most of the day which was also a bonus as it was needed by the crops and the garden, and the new van doesn't leak...yay!!! This week is bringing in the end of working for Dad this year and the start of getting Kids camp ready....should be fun! And I finally get to mow the lawn lol!!

A Feather

the happiest ideas

twitter about

like giddy songbirds

brightly sailing about

the blackest intentions

pick apart the soul

with razor like talons

and piercing beaks

wisdom soars about

the psyche

on the broad wings

of the mighty owl

inspiration dives

through the clutter

like a hawk thats spotted a mouse

a flash so swift, so precise

it's like a bird cage,

my mind,




flutter about

each as unique as the


that float out

of my head





Thursday, June 5, 2008

somethings are sooooo nice...

So its been awhile....a week or so.....not off to a solid start here lol. Oh well its a work in progress right? right. Lets see, what have been up to. We bought a new van - a big grown up kinda deal for us, it's the first vehicle that we have found and bought ourselves. It's a needed item as our old van was not able to properly house the kids car seats safely. The new one does, has low miles and is in good shape....plus we got a pretty good deal on it. Overall very happy with that! What else....working is cruising along, I don't mind doing the farm hand bit as much as I thought I would. It has been a learning curve for sure but I am enjoying it. Only a week and a bit left before the ball starts rolling on the Kids Summer Fun Camp. I am a bit nervous about this, being in charge and all, but at the same time I am holding on my motto that it'll all work out. I miss school some days, which I guess is a good thing. Its not anything in particular like classes or people there, just the atmosphere of the place. Hmmmm more yet...I am behind on my reading, want to do more of that but just haven't been in the groove to do so I guess. Comics are great just need some more boxes to store, then I can sort and bag and board the increasing mountain of them. I am sooooo pumped for the first Starman omnibus to get here!! I got impatient with its release last week and decided to not wait for the Chapters site to update that it was in stock and hit Ebay for it. Got a nice price with good shipping too...even after exchange(which is pretty much non-existent these days) I got it for under what the Canadian cover price is. No I am pretty sure Pat wouldn't have charged that price but I didn't feel like running the risk of ordering it from him and getting nailed with the $50+ price tag! Also in the mail I am waiting for my Civil War minimate sets....finally got around to getting these beauties. There are a couple things I have noticed with my minimates collecting.....a) Marvel are my babies...no matter what else I have in my file or what other exclusives are out there, I always jump at the Marvel stuff first b) I am not so 'gotta have it right now' anymore...I have let some stuff slide, not to the point that I don't want it just that I am not chomping at the bit to get it right now...case in point the last waves of Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica...Pat never got them in and I am not running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to find them...I'll get them when I can/do no rush. But yes, I am very excited to be getting the Civil War set finally...some nice looking mates in there, plus it's minimates in the mail - a little like Christmas lol! Last night was a nice relaxing night...just chilling with my wife, helping her with some leg/hip pain...it was just a nice quiet relaxed evening. And this morning has been nice too, up a bit earlier then normal....which is ok as we went to bed earlier then normal....I have a sweet sleeping angel in my arms right now as she has gone back to sleep after her first bottle. My poem for today was inspired by a similar morning.

Simplest Joy

the bright red numbers of the clock

scream out


twenty three


you awoke in a state

crying and uncomfortable

and I awoke with you

to comfort you

and am rewarded by your tiny


the simplest joy

of a full belly

and a clean bum

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

its an ugly thing

Stress that is....I hate it....very much so. I try very hard to be a mellow person, not getting too stressed out in life when its not needed. But this last week and a bit it has been very stressful....the red ugly monster of stress seemed to set up camp in our house. It wasnt something that could be avoided, the vehicle issue had to be dealt with and with me working in the field for seeding meant I wasn't home at a regularly set time frame....which doesn't help the frustration. And now the stress is receding leaving only tired and worn out us. the girls are sick, with breathing issues which adds to the stress but I think the worst of the storm has past...now we just need to recover. I work a concert saturday night, which I was looking forward to but now in light of the onslaught of stressfulness I wouldnt mind more time to spend with my beautiful loving wife and just relax. and now I feel like I am babbling a bit so I'll pick a poem and go back to reading my tradepaperback that came in the mail :)


I was s l o w

at first

but I got faster


each time I did it again

until I was the fastest

I was weak

at first

barely able to move it

but I got stronger

the more I did it

until it wasn’t even a question

of if I could move it

but where I would put it down

My life is constantly filled

with one thought

“Where is my next Everest?”

as I strive through all

the personal challenges

to be the best I can be

Friday, May 23, 2008

full head, blank page

So as I am thinking about what I want to do with this blog I am faced with a problem. I want to use this to put poems out for people to read and comment on which is all fine and well but I have hit a wall with my writing. It feels to me that I haven't written a new poem in a very long time, in actual fact it has been less then a month, but it still feels like an awfully long time considering in April I wrote one new poem everyday in honor of National Poetry Month. Part of me relaxes in thinking that it is just rest from writing those 30 new poems and being busier now with more full time work, but part of me is really frustrated by it as well. I love writing and never really have to force it so now when I want to write something new and nothing happens it is discouraging. I know there are ideas and thoughts inside my head but when I sit down at the paper it doesn't flow, hell somedays it won't even trickle. I guess I shouldn't let it get to me. It hasn't really been that long since I wrote my last new one so I shouldn't be adding stress to myself, it'll set itself write, pun fully intended.

So aside from that here is my last poem written, no one has seen this one yet so I figure its a good one for this post. As always comments are more then welcome!

Hand in Hand

music and poetry
can go hand in hand
both share
common grounds
of creativity
and wonderment
and both can command
the same attention
from their audiences
after all
aren't good songs
simply poetry written
to the music of the soul?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Well here I go...

Well here it is...a blog...not sure if it'll fly but its worth a try right. First off the title is compliments of my wife, Melinda. I write poetry, which takes a certain amount of time to myself. As a husband and a parent of five kids ages five and under, there isnt exactly loads of personal time, so I am quickly becoming a king of multitasking, which includes time in the bathroom. It is not uncommon to see me taking my notebook and pen into the bathroom with me to write.

Now the purpose of this space. Mostly I will post poems here, someplace for people to read them and let me know what they think. I am quite serious about writing somehow, and love doing it so I want people to read them. I will also use this space to vent, rant, post random pictures of random things....I like to ramble on about things I find neat, interesting or cool so I'll likely post that stuff here too.

so lets get this party started:

A cold room that needs to be Warm

It's a small room

won't take much to warm

to a comfortable place

you don't need to spend long

in there

but multiple visits

throughout time

but the bone chilling cold

prickles your skin as you walk through the door

its icy touch lingering


this is a room that should be

warm because the only thing

colder then the air

is the the throne

of porcelain

that you must reluctantly sit upon.