Monday, September 29, 2008

2 in under a week!

Hah! I sneak in under the wire of a week between posts....that actually makes me quite happy - it is a positive step to making this a regular habit!

Schools going great, just need to make more time for homework...feeling very painting and writing inspired so gotta nurture that one. We did some shuffling in our house this week, mostly temporary things but it feels kinda nice to do it too.

Well not much to say as I am eager to get onto the meat of the subject, a poem I wrote tonight so its making the rounds here first! DAMMIT - I just previewed this and it will not keep the format i typed it out in, that is frustrating!!

the saliva
dangling from the edge
of its teeth
long and razor
a mouth full of them
with no other job
then ripping flesh
to shreds
its yellow eyes
gleaming in the
the breeze shifts
and the fur
on the back of its neck
and it tilts its
head upwards
sniffing the air
muscles tense
and it runs off
after the scent of food
to satisfy the bloodlust
that consumes it
once a month
releasing the beast
with in the man.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its been a long time...

wow I really have to get my butt in gear on here if I want to keep this going! I have reorganized my poems so that should help. I have a ever going stack of them so updating should be more regular I just need to not be lazy about it! Lets see where to start. Summer flew by, the Kids camp rocked!! I miss it so much, which is a good thing. I am back at school, Kye is in kindergarten 2 days a week and the ladies are in pre-K Mon-Thurs mornings. It has been an adjustment but everything is going well. Miss a is getting some more teeth and her eye infection is kinda getting better but has also spread to her other eye...she is on the list to see a specialist about it, I wont try to spell the right name for it lol. The San Diego comic con came and had a flurry of cool minimate news, and more good stuff since then. My package with the exclusives and giveaways is on its way to me - very pumped to see those ones up close! Man I have slacked on this so much I dont know where and what to say for life updates. I guess I'll just leave things at that and head right to the meat of my post with todays poem!


The hum of the motor
buzzing fills the air
revolutions so fast that it’s barely noticeable
yet the sound is unavoidable

This leads into the sensation
across the skin
as a line is drawn

The needle dances
as the motor buzzes
and pigment floods the skin
as a masterpiece is created
of flesh and ink